Talk:Top 30 Fruits

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Revision as of 15:29, 4 August 2014 by Misterheart (talk | contribs)
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01-Aug-2014 A good pear is transcendent, but most - that is, the vast majority of pears - are terrible. From rock hard to a squishy, nearly decomposing mess in what seems like a few minutes. Such a disappointment. Blueberries cannot get points off in this way, with pears riding so high.

02-Aug-2014 I waited for avocado, I am still waiting for avocado. - Misterheart

I was surprised to see how low berries rank. I would be interested to know how Julie feels about satsumas. -Joan

04-Aug-2014 Here's a dumb article about melons. Personally, I think pineapple is the shitty fruit but I guess I'm the weird one. - Joe M

update: Julie reports a recent Watermelon purchase was B- "Juicy but metallic" I expect (and encourage) a re-ranking.